Saturday, August 9, 2008


One word: DISAPPOINTED. I am very saddended that Hollywood has decided that it is okay to yet again line it's pockets with millions of dollars at the expense of people like Cadence. When I first saw the trailer for the upcoming movie "Tropic Thunder", I was excited because it had two of our favorite actors in it- Ben Stiller & Jack Black. Excited that is, until I learned more about the story line and some of the lines in the movie.

Mr. Stiller, you should be ashamed of yourself. As co-writer of the movie, I believe Ben Stiller had the option to take the high road on this subject. THIS HAS GONE TOO FAR. I also believe ALL of those actors in that movie had an opportunity to say something and opt not to use those lines. I am sure the movie would still have been funny & entertaining and NOT at the expense of our children.

I will be joining in the thousands boycotting this movie any way and shape possible. I hope you will too.

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