Wednesday, December 3, 2008

All I Want For Christmas....

What I wouldn't give to have one of these little angels under my tree on Christmas morning!! But since that in unlikely this year, I would settle for a Reece's Rainbow Angel Tree Ornament! If you're looking for the perfect gift for, or anyone else, why not sponsor an orphan with Down syndrome and receive a beautiful ornament with your chosen child's picture on it to remind us what Christmas is all about. For $35, you can have an ornament sent with your chosen child's picture AND have the satisfaction of knowing you could help that child find a Forever Family!! If you have not done so yet, PLEASE visit REECE'S RAINBOW ANGEL TREE and glance at all the beautiful little faces this year!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You picked Russell and Ginger. We have too. Well, at least the kids and I have. I hope you are able to adopt one of them. I blogged abotu Russell on my site.

I'm praying that he finds a forever family this year. I don't think he has much longer at the orphanage. When I checked he was FOUR already. And Ginger is at risk as well. Makes me cry.